407.734.3638 nic@nicnatarella.com

I’m writing this on a Wednesday.

Across America, people are walking into work today, and invariably, someone they work with is strolling in and shouting at the top of their lungs…

“What day is it!?  Anybody guess what day it is?”

They they’ll walk up to their coworker, Michael, and say, “MikeMikeMikeMikeMike…what day is it?”  If there is someone named Leslie on staff, it is her (or his) obligation to say, “It’s hump day.”

Some people will be rolling their eyes, some will smile.  There will be fist-bumps and there will be heads shaking in silent disapproval.

All Julies, Mikes and Leslies…today is not your day.

Geico Wednesday Camel Commercial

Love it or hate it, genius or moronic, it begs the question, “Is it good advertising?”

First, what is the definition of “good advertising”?

There are all kinds of awards to be handed out every year.  I have no idea if this one or any of the others in the Geico “Happier Than…” series will garner any hardware for the creators and agencies.  Is a “good ad” one that wins awards?

Undoubtedly, people are talking.  They’re using this ad in everyday conversation, and at least on Wednesdays, several people will imitate the camel and several others will nod with recognition.  (Agreement or disdain is the flavor of recognition.)  Is a “good ad” one that creates buzz?  Generates conversation at the lunch table?

One of my all time favorite quotes is from David Ogilvy, “If it doesn’t sell, it isn’t creative.”  Creativity and generating sales are at the top of Mr. Ogilvy’s “must have” list, with creativity supporting sales.  Is it possible to have a “good ad” without creativity?  Yes, if it sells.  There are tons of direct-response commercials – of which, I’ve written a fair amount of them – I don’t see them garnering any awards or accolades, but they’ve made a ton of money for many businesses.  And is it possible to have a “good ad” that doesn’t sell?  By Mr. Ogilvy’s definition:  no.

And I agree.

Which brings us back to the happy camel.  Is it a good ad?

Are people spending fifteen minutes with a rep and saving money on their car insurance?  And if they are, can it be directly attributed to Wednesday’s camel?  Or is our friendly-yet-annoying dromedary one small piece to a larger puzzle?

What do you think?  Leave your comments below, I’d love to hear your reaction.
